Saturday, December 26, 2009

009: Cheque, Please?

Someone really has to check my dreams for me, I would like an interpertor.

Breaking teeth, going back to school are two major topics... Which I see is fine, though the chipping makes me extremely uncomfortable. I can see myself going back to school maybe in the next few years, if I transfer to Kamloops or something.

Stocking shelves/selling electronics.
I've been thinking of applying at Safeway as a stock boy. I'm just stocking things, as I was in Save-On-Foods. That wouldn't be a bad job to do that, because I believe I'm in the right frame of mind to disappear from customer service, but still be in the picture, if you know what I mean?
Also, I've been seeing myself in dreams becoming extremely confident selling electronics and working somewhere such as Best Buy, Staples or future shop.
..The discount is nice.

The best one.

"I'm sorry. We've run out of Earl grey boxes, so I have to get some noodle packets from wherever they appear and put the earl grey in there, so the customers can become satisfied. Also, lets put the flavour sachet in this pack of noodles and watch it become delicious!"

Oh yeah, speaking Shuswap is becoming more and more apparent.

What's some of your dreams like?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

008: Save, save, save!

I'm surprised that I am following myself on here, because it just means that I'm vain. Anyway, it's easier to check the numbers on the titles that I'm doing (number indicates blog post, lol) and it works out.. Slightly keeps it easier to track ^^;

Starbucks is becoming amazing first off. I've recently put my brain in sleep mode, and concertrate on work now, at both jobs even gets me real far. I'm happy that I'm able to just work and nothing else, and the amazement that I've received from Lorissa has been breathtaking... I'm honoured that I can actually get something done and not worry what others think. I really don't associate with many people at work anymore, just see them, say hello and want to focus back on working.

Æ, I enjoy. Expect for the fact that I'm getting almost no shifts there whatsoever. I am first on the 'to call' list, and I am hoping they can call me for 2-3 shifts a week. I'm doing stock there so far, and it's real fun, gives me a chance to be away from the customers whilst working, which is something I need sometime. I'm just happy about the discount, muahahahahaha. >_>;
But I don't think I'll be buying anything anytime soon.

I am seriously thinking of applying for a part time job on the side, whereas it'll be in fast food or staples, or even safeway (not that there's anything wrong with that!) doing whichever is available, hopefully from 3-9 or so. I need as much money as I can gain for the possible move that will be happening sometime in the future, and I have a feeling that the best way that is able to be gained is cut off any social life that I do have [if it involves money, the bake nights and things similar to that are extremely fun and don't need any type of cash. :) ] and just work enough, that I have enough time to relax at home and maybe gain a few extra hobbies such as attempting to learn Spanish properly or reading. [A library card maybe a good idea.] But if anyone has any ideas to possibly save more money, let me know.
I am thinking of finding simple but cheap and healthy recipes that I don't have to do much preperation [because I am lazy and never encouraged to cook anymore.

What do I want to save up for?

SFU Kamloopa. (Kamloops in original terms, but Kamloopa refers to the city in some local First Nations languages.)
The joint major I want to proceed in is with Linguistics and First Nations Studies. You will find a brief description in this .pdf file "Hér."
I wish to progress in the Secwepemc language, and their culture. But if Dan and I plan to move anywhere, I will only have knowledge on that language, but the First Nations studies will be forward to many other cultures within Canada, and even the US. The question that I have to ask myself is if I really want to move to Kamloopa sometime next year or stay in Calgary, save up here and then head off to somewhere where we'll find ourselves more certain.
Suggestions are welcome.

Dan has said that he wouldn't mind moving to Kamloops, but wants us to both be happy with how much we have, he'll have to find a job there (shouldn't be too hard if he continues teaching..) accomodation and the such. I want to save as much as I can before I can consider anywhere currently.
I am thinking of staying with Starbucks, because of the University benefits that I gain (the whole tutition is semi-paid off, about $1000 every year or something like that...) I continue having the job that I am working at and I won't have to learn anything new. That's not too much of a problem, but the rate that I am getting paid currently that has basically forced me to go into assistance for housing and how Dan isn't too certain on that place is kind of nerve wracking occasionally.
My hours have gone down from 32 - 28 there... Which isn't too happy.
I'm tempted to call Brett and Danielle to gain any extra time that I can get starting in a fortnight... I don't think I'll be able to survive off that.

On the plus side~! $650 saved, $450 left on my visa.. Not that bad.
I've also found some more music, send suggestions~!

Not much else to report, apart from two deaths in my family, and a new baby girl.
Everything happens in three's.

Monday, December 14, 2009

007: Hvað er nótt!

I've been having a fantastic time recently with everything. I started the job at Æ today (American Eagle), and the manager has seemed to put up with any BS that we have all presented, and he's working around everyone's schedules, which is fantastic.

Interview tomorrow at Bumpy's... I know I will get it. James said the same thing. I have trust in his judgement. If I do get it, I will give two weeks and hopefully will have a better schedule for Æ. We'll see. I have a feeling that I will be a lot happier there too. :)

Starting to see a different side of everyone, especially Dan - for the better. I can now deal with situations a lot better and I'm able to not worry as much. But I've been as happy to see him now ever since day 1, it's still the same responce.. Which I'm real happy about.

R.I.P Grandpa, and Andrea (First cousin). I'm not going to cry or anything, though my dad's side of the family is dropping like flies. They will be missed though.


Starting to do work around the place, including hanging up some pictures, rearranging the rooms, and making it feel more like home. I have the interview tomorrow, so I will let you go with some pictures.

My chest of drawers. Dan's graduation picture, along with a picture of him when he was 12. The cat's name is Shadow, and the moose is named 'Kulde'. :)

"My collection". Pretty easy to figure out, it's of the past and makes this place, mine. The two frogs and the cat are the most noticible ones. Reminds me of Dan and me, with a possible cat. :)

Goða nott, mig vinir.